Baby Rainforest Scorpions


Rainforest Scorpions common habitats are rock crevices, between rocks and the soil in shallow scrapes or rock crevices covered in rotting leaf matter but they may also be found beneath bark on fallen rotting logs and under rotting, solidifying leaf matter – usually on rock surfaces. Their flattened body shape is ideal for these locations.

Adults can grow up to 6cm in length and can live up 5 – 10 years.

Rainforest Scorpions diet consists of crickets, mealworms & insects. They like to be kept warm in a humid environment with a coco peat or similar substrate. Sticks, Rocks, leaf litter and other items can be used and hiding places.

Scorpions have the ability to fluoresce in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light.


When buying a scorpion make sure you have done your research as scorpions require specific living conditions which include correct housing, heating and diet to ensure the health and well being of your scorpion.

Livestock subject to availability instore.


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