Albino Rainbow Shark


The Albino Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatum) is a visually striking freshwater fish, featuring a pale, almost translucent body with vibrant orange-red fins.

Known for its active nature and bottom-dwelling behavior, this semi-aggressive species adds energy and bold contrast to aquariums. Albino Rainbow Sharks are excellent algae grazers, making them both functional and beautiful additions to large community tanks.

Key Features:

•Unique Appearance: Pale, albino-colored body with bold red-orange fins.

•Active and Energetic: Constantly exploring and grazing at the bottom of the tank.

•Algae Control: Helps keep algae growth under control by foraging along tank surfaces.

•Semi-Aggressive Nature: Best kept as a single specimen or in larger tanks to avoid territorial disputes.

•Hardy and Low-Maintenance: Adaptable to a variety of freshwater conditions, making them beginner-friendly for larger tanks.

Care Requirements:

•Tank Size: Minimum 150 litres to accommodate their territorial behavior and activity.

•Water Parameters: pH 6.5–7.5, temperature 22–27°C, soft to moderately hard water.

•Diet: Omnivorous; feed sinking algae wafers, spirulina-based pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

•Tank Setup: Provide caves, driftwood, and hiding spots to create territories. Maintain open swimming areas with fine substrate.

•Tank Mates: Compatible with fast-moving or larger peaceful fish such as barbs, loaches, and rainbowfish. Avoid slow-moving or bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras or timid fish.

Breeding Notes:

Breeding Albino Rainbow Sharks in home aquariums is rare due to their territorial nature and specific requirements.

The Albino Rainbow Shark is a striking freshwater fish with a pale body and vibrant red fins. Active, hardy, and great for algae control in larger aquariums.

Please note: Before taking your fish or water-based animal home, ensure that the water conditions of your tank are optimal. This includes proper pH levels and the absence of harmful chemicals like nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia. Toni’s Pet Station guarantees that our in-store tanks maintain healthy and balanced conditions. Water testing kits are available for purchase to help you create the best environment for your new pet.


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